Tag Archives: gran hotel

Looking Back at July

I got my hair balayaged/highlighted for the first time, no more virgin hair, as the hairstylist would say! I was very antsy about getting it colored because as much as I like bold and bright balayage, I don’t think it would work for my hair. I got it subtle and sun-kissed and was very pleased. My hairdresser married some guy from the UK, Birmingham, to be exact and was telling me about the show Peaky Blinders starring Cillian Murphy.

I don’t really think Cillian Murphy’s all that attractive, but I started watching the show on netflix and he’s started to grow on me, and he has been a slight obsession of mine! He plays a haunted anti-hero who came back from WWI as a hero who’s the leader of a gang called the Peaky Blinders who wear hats with razors sewn at the back. HOW COOL IS THAT. I love haunted individuals and anti-heroes, characters who live more in the grey that in the black and white, who do bad things as well as good things. It makes them more relatable.

He also makes drinking and smoking look good. I probably shouldn’t be advocating those things, but I just wanted to praise that part of the cinematography. He channels the good boy and bad boy and is fiercely protective of his family. Who wouldn’t want a guy like that!? It can be a little political and I don’t really pay that much attention to the plot, but he just plays his character well. And the soundtrack is great! Nick Caves, White Stripes, etc.

Did you know that Cillian Murphy tried out to be Batman (Christopher Nolan’s universe) but lost out to Christian Bale? He was not as big and bulky as Bale was, but Nolan liked him a lot so stuck him in as the Scarecrow and in his other movies.

Another reason why I like Peaky Blinders is all dem kickass, feisty, independent women. You go, girlz!


GIFS FOUND HERE AND HERE (Grace and Tommy is the cutest-sounding couple btw)

leave it to Tommy Shelby to be sweet and sentimental and fierce as well. 😉

aww, I know I’m a creep, but lip bite!


Riley Curry 

So the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals this year and Riley is daughter of MVP, Stephen Curry. They have such a gorgeous, beautiful, wholesome, inspiring family, and they’re so young as well. I follow Ayesha and Stephen on Instagram.

To be completely honest, I didn’t really care about the Golden State Warriors because Ice hockey is the name of my game. I understood that hockey ain’t that big in the USA, but it still makes my heart beat 1092374103987419375x faster that it normally does. Anyways, I didn’t really care about the Warriors until I was surfing through Buzzfeed and clicked on a video of Riley Curry at a press conference. It was love at first sight.

the end. I don’t think anyone can get any more darling than that. Except maybe Riley’s new baby sister, Ryan! Congrats to that adorable family.

dear lord, i love her.


Cutest Real Couple award



Mad Max  It’s maintained its 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s an action flick, like 1000000% action, it stars Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron who rocks her look, it features strong, and badass women, there’s chase scenes, explosions, it’s quite comic, no one really gets hurt, except the bad guy, but who cares about him. It’s the same director as the original Mad Max, (how fun is that?) That silver spray is pretty cool too, and Nicholas Hoult!! It’s great on the big screen and I wish I saw it in 3D. I still might before it goes to DVD. It’s an overall FUN (I’m not sure if I’d consider it fun AND lighthearted, though) movie. And that flaming guitar hero. I don’t really know what more I can say, except the movie ain’t about Max (who’s Max??) but it’s about Imperator Furiousaaaa!


The only person I know who has not liked it much was my dad =.=


Gran Hotel also known as the Spanish Downton Abbey.

I found this hidden gem on Netflix! It is in Spanish and set in Spain, so their Spanish is a little bit different than Central and Southern American Spanish. It’s 60 episodes long and I was downright obsessed to say the least. It features a handsome man named Julio played by <strong>Yon Gonzalez </strong>who is visiting the hotel her sister works at. But she is missing and he is convinced someone has killed her and poses as a waiter to gather clues and investigate suspicious activity. It is there that he meets the love of his life, the daughter of the hotel owner, the newly engaged Alicia (ali-th-ia in Spain Spanish) played by the beautiful <strong>Amaia Salamanca, </strong>also a gorgeous name.

<b>Words cannot describe how much I love this couple and story. </b>It’s a long series, and each series focuses on something different– murder of Julio’s sister, the murder of the hotel owner, the kidnapping of Alicia, etc.  <strong>The bad guys are so irritating and the women are so000o suspicious. </strong>For a while there’s a lot of characters you can’t trust, and in the end, the character I hated the most became someone I tolerated and maybe even respected!

It also has beautiful music. I think there’s only one music piece which is the theme that plays a zillion times, but you won’t get sick of it. This is a must-see! Julio and Alicia have perfect chemistry, Alicia definitely wears the pants, although her dresses are to die for. She’s always saving Julio’s butt, so she’s no fragile lady 😀

so I’m not jealous at all