Tag Archives: concerts

Musicians to See Part II

The last post was musicians I have seen, this post will feature and remind me of SOME (only some, this is not by all means inclusive!!!!) artists I want to see and is in no particular order.

1. Sam Smith- who doesn’t wanna see this dreamy boy? Although every time he comes near me tickets are always sold out. He’s playing at Outside Lands this year along with Mumford and Sons and James Bay who will be next on my list, but OL tickets are sold out! I’m always late to buying things and I don’t wanna pay $200-$300 for a day ticket.

Anyways, Sam Smith is king. Everyone knows who he is I hope and he’s so fun to singalong too. You know how some artists you have to be “in the mood” for? Well I’m always in the mood for him.

2. James Bay- I heard this UK heartthrob on the radio and he reminds me of James Vincent Mcmorrow, also from the UK (sensing a pattern?). He’s catchy and I know like five of his songs by heart. He went to SF a couple of months before I knew who he was. Here I am, late again.

dem damn deep dimples tho

3. Mumford and Sons- also from the UK! I’m not sure if I really liked their old stuff, but their new stuff, like “Believe” and “Snake Eyes” and “The Wolf” are spectacular. I wish all their stuff sounded like that. But based on those songs I wanna see them live.

4. Imagine Dragons- I’m loving their new album. It sounds different from their last album, but I love it. I can still recognize the voice, but it’s a different style this time. “Shots” sounds way different than “Demons.” I’m not sure if people my age in the US like them or not, but Australians do! I met a bunch of Aussies over the winter and they love them, so I felt at home with them because I love them too. They old and new stuff is solid!

5. Empire of the Sun- I haven’t really kept up with them, but I dig their music and their costumes. Because that headdress is cool and they’re catchy. They’ll be in Berkeley in September!

it’s like a halloween themed concert!

6. Daft Punk- I don’t even know if they perform anymore. When was their last tour? 😦 Because everyone knows who they are, here’s a hip hop dance video that features all Daft Funk music. If this doesn’t make you wanna dance, I don’t know what will. Asians, yaaaas. I was so lucky to watch this performance in the third row 😉 I also have a thing for helmets.

7. Lindsey Stirling- Violin meets dancing meets electronic music. They’ll be in Berkeley in August!

8. Fitz and the Tantrums- they are so fun and I just wanna snap to them. They also played in OL2012, but I didn’t really know about them until later because I’m late to everything great…

Musicians to See Part I

Over the past couple of years I’ve been blessed to see several people in concert. Here are my favorites in no particular order:

1. Geographer- I don’t know which genre they are, but they’re a fun band. They are a local band which is great because their tickets are cheaper than others.

A couple of weeks ago I went to their free concert in the Mission. It was a beautiful and warm night. It was the during the same week as the LQBTQ Film Festival so the Mission and the Castro were buzzing. The doors opened at 7 so I began waiting at 6:45. The doors didn’t actually open until 7:30 and Geographer didn’t take the stage until 9:45. I was soon bummed especially because I tried to be all fancy and neglected to weak proper footwear. It was a disappointment until they came on and played their old music! Then they played their new music and I left early (mainly in pain. I don’t even know why. I wasn’t even wearing heels.)

But they’re one of my favorite people to see because their music is unique and I think they’re the first people I saw in concert. So the fact that they’re first makes me partial to them.

I was by myself the two times I saw him/them.

2. Wolfgang Gartner- saw this DJ twice! I saw him first at Outside Lands 2012 right before seeing Skrillex and I think I liked Wolfgang better. He was new to me, and I guess he’s still relatively new because no one I know really knows who he is. He was the only person I danced to during OL2012 which is saying a lot because I saw quite a few people. I saw him at OL2012 by myself and with a friend at the Warfield a year later.

3. Run River North: a friend recommended them to me and there was a time when I loved every song of their album. I think they’re from LA and are relatively unknown. Seeing them in Oakland was fun because I went with a big group of friends and friends of friends. And I had an umami burger. What made it better was my perfect choice in shoes! I don’t remember what I wore, but I proudly remember that my feet didn’t ache at all! And I saw them for $12 😀 And you can expect crisp vocals.

4. James Vincent Mcmorrow: My darling boy! His tickets are getting pricy though. He’s from the UK and he must love SF because he’s come loads of times in the past couple of years. I’m not really sure what to say about him, but hopefully you’ve hears of him! People may complain he’s whiney and doesn’t have much *variety,* but I think he just has a specific style that he doesn’t stray away from.

I went to see him with a friend and he’s not the most “fun” performer; he doesn’t run around the stage or dance around, he just stays put, but he’s one of the best out there. His voice gives me da chilllllllz

5. The Family Crest- another local SF band, represent!! I saw them for $12 😀 There’s just something about the lead singer’s voice that I can’t put my finger on, maybe it’s the way he speaks or how his teeth are placed? underbite/overbite? Or maybe I’m just hearing things. But what I’m hearing is great. It’s kind of like a mini orchestra because the band has six instruments and they’re fun! I was in the front when I saw them and they have so much energy and they really put their body in it. I like getting all up in their face because I get to see their emotions and sweat. I saw them by myself but I didn’t mind at all.

6. Of Monsters and Men: They are solid performers from Iceland. You don’t have to worry about them not sounding good live. I saw them at OL2012 as well and it was just a great experience to be in a crowd that loves them and to just know every song and singalong. I went by myself but it didn’t take away from my experience. You should know who they are, but if you don’t… I love their Icelandic accent and I may see them in Berkeley in October!

7. Magic Man- I saw this with some friends and friends of friends at the Independent and it was a good performance. It was a sold-out event but the venue was small and intimate. The lead singer looks like the guy in All-American Rejects and I really like two of their songs. I LOVE HOW HE’S SO SQUIRMY AND HOLDS THE MIKE SO CLOSE TO HIS MOUTH LIVE