Author Archives: Emily

About Emily

hello world! I'm Emily, I've lived in SF for the past 6 years probably (I don't really count) and I will never turn down a cheeseburger. I'm 24 and on a good day someone will think I'm 18, on a normal day I'll look 12. It's horrifying. I guess it's these Asian genes. I try not to complain about it but I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what outfit / hairstyle will make me look older that day. I'm constantly brainstorming ways to travel and I'm looking for a generous donor ($1,000,000) to fund my world expedition with my friends. (if you think that's you, please contact me)

Latest Obsession

I can’t believe it’s been about a year before I posted last! The past twelve months have been a period of several challenges, growth, change, and new friendships. I’m sure I will unpack all my stories on a rare sleepless night. Or maybe not. I’m not known for being predictable anyway.

One huge thing I’ve been spending a lot of thought on is personality types! Ya know– Myers-Briggs / Enneagram stuff.

I have friends that always ask me what I’m passionate about, I struggle to come up with an answer. It either changes overtime or it’s just vague and not “satisfactory” to the person asking the question. When it comes to “passions” and interests (still trying to really figure what that means for myself, so it’s in quotes), I tend to go more breadth than depth.

Animals. Food. Pretty things. Peonies. Whatever’s “in” that month. Gin. Movies. Insert basic and vague answer. A recipe I found on the interwebs.

I promise that I take you seriously and I’m not trying to brush you off with a thoughtless answer.

I just have trouble answering questions that have a gazillion possible answers, because I feel like I can relate to all of them. I find it difficult to pick a side when friends are disagreeing because I can see the reasoning behind both parties and the peace keeper in me doesn’t like to choose sides.

I feel like the above blurb has been a tangent? Sorry, I’m full of those. I’m not great at connecting dots or putting things in order, though I wish I did. I process all my thoughts externally– by babbling or writing aimlessly.

Back to Myers-Briggs / Enneagrams. And “passions” / interests. I think it is safe to say, that the next time someone asks me what I’m passionate about– I can say I’m obsessed with people and what I think “makes” a person.

I’m talking more about psychology, faith, values, motivations, fears, cognitive processes, birth order; anything that contributes to how they make their decisions and why. What their hopes and dreams are, what tragedies they have overcome, and what they will overcome (all dat messy emotional vulnerable feeling shtuff!!!! Or anything that brings people to tears).

In this journey of life that we all share, there are many ways or paths to self-discovery / actualization / reflection, which I also have an obsession with. Understanding yourself in relation to your stage in life and your environment is basically life. I think one of the the many paths (OH NO I SOUND PREACHY SORRY) may be understanding or looking into your personality type and enneagram– which explains the influences of  one’s basic fears and motivations. Like everything else we hear and read, you need to take your results with a grain of salt. Do not be limited or simplified to one of the nine enneagram types or the sixteen Myer’s-Briggs, but glance them over with an open mind.


I happen to be an ENFP: 96% more of a Feeler than a Thinker :p. Not super happy with that and not sure how accurate that test is– there are so many tests out there anyways! But I do agree that I am way more of a Feeler than a Thinker. I was on ThoughtCatalog the past week and some woman wrote an article about your enneagram in relation to your personality type. I also took an enneagram test and I am a close 9, 4, and 2.

Not sure how accurate this article is for the rest of you, but of all the types, I resonated with 9 the most. It talks about one’s secret fears… That they don’t know who they are apart from others.

The 9 type is known for being highly in tune with the people around them, as well as the spiritual side of life. But the real reason type 9s are so in touch with others is because they fear that other people make up an integral part of themselves – a part that they are terrified to lose. Without the people, belief systems or communities they’re connected to, the 9 type fears that they’d be nothing but an empty vessel. And so they need to keep those relationships nurtured and strong.

When I read that blurb I was like girl, that’s me. I’m a sucker of these things for clear and coherently answers just because I’m the worst at articulating what I want and how I feel.

This is also what you can learn from us Nines:

There is no way to separate ourselves from the ways in which we are intertwined with and affected by the world that surrounds us.

The 9 type is driven by the fear of losing touch with the people and the world that surrounds them – and they are consequently always moving towards feelings of harmony, peace and belonging. From this type we can learn that our lives are inexorably intertwined with the people and the world that surrounds us – nobody exists in a vacuum and at the end of the day, all 9 of the Enneagram types are more entwined with each other and the world that surrounds them than they could perhaps ever begin to imagine.

This one totally called me out!!

Being a type 9 does not give you the right to expect others to stay close and connected to you, even if doing so hinders their personal development and growth.

I feel like I’m starting to understand myself more now. Why I do things the way I do them, why I don’t do things the way others do them, to be okay with that, and to be patient with others who are different than me, and to always give the benefit of the doubt before taking offense. (:

“You Peed on Me”

A couple weekends ago I went to an art pop-up gallery thing in the Mission with the theme “Missed Connections.” You know that section of Craigslist that says missed connections? It ranges from cute to creepy to NSFW. It’s like if you have a connection with someone on the bus, but don’t catch their name or contact info and wanna meet up again and then post on Craigslist.

So this art gallery was inspired by Missed Connections posts. Here are my favorites. Excuse the lousy photography, I was in a hurry and it was crowded, haha. The romantic in me impulsively bought a print that I’ll show here!

“We kissed at midnight, then you ran away You- 5’8 scruffy, glasses, wearing a blue hoodie outside the Vid and I asked you for a lighter. You lit my cigarette and we talked about our wishes for the new year. We heard the countdown starting and decided to stay outside. I started to cry and you kissed me, and then we started to make out. After a minute I felt something warm and realized that you pissed yourself. I pushed you away and that’s when you ran but I wish you had stayed. You peed on me but it’s OK! I just want to know who you are! Please reply and when you do tell me why I started crying so I know it’s you–if you remember.”


Excuse this long and very descriptive and imaginative Missed Connection blurb…

Did you leave a prosthetic leg on the bus this morning? Portland. I found a prosthetic leg wearing a Lucchese brand cowboy boot on the bus this morning. I’m not sure what brand the leg, but it’s only the shin and foot portion and it’s not mechanical looking. Rather, it looks semi-real–almost like it could be from a giant plastic doll or something. I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and tried the boot on. Magnificent! At first I wondered why a prosthetic leg user would have purchased such a comfy boot. Then I figured that you probably have another leg and foot that actually worked they probably really appreciate the cushion and arch support provided by the Lucchese boots. I really hope I can meet you and ask you more about your conditions. I wonder what Koreans would say about you if you went in for a pedicure. Do you get charged half price for the pedicures? That would be fucked up if you didn’t. Do you think they’d charge me full price if I went in for a pedicure with you?

Anyway, I really want to give you your prosthetic leg back because I imagine that you’re hopping around, or worse, forced to wear a makeshift papier-mâché leg, or worse, forced to wear a thick tree limb like a pirate. Hopefully we can meet for lunch sometime and I can give you your leg back. Oh, and please only respond if you’re attractive. You see, there’s this fantasy I have, like a modern-day Cinderella, where I finally meet the owner of the leg and he turns out to be a charming prince. Well… maybe not a prince. I want you to be a sexy cowboy war hero who has had one of his legs and both of his testicles blown off in a grenade explosion in Afghanistan. It would be really romantic for you to sweep me off my feet in some cafe downtown. And then we’d both fall over because your makeshift tree leg wouldn’t be able to support both of us. We’d share a laugh. I’d kiss you on the cheek and then reattach your professionally made prosthetic leg for you. Based on how breathtaking your prosthetic leg is, I can only imagine that you’re incredibly handsome. I would have taken a picture of the leg, only for the pleasure of readers paging through, but I don’t have a digital camera. I did the best I could sketching it. Please know that is now way as amazing as the real thing!



There’s not much to the story behind the print that I bought, but the romantic in me wanted it! 

“I saw you pretend to read. Let’s pretend to read together sometime ;-)” 


All images found here! And the organizers are a great group called Beehive Society. Their previous pop-up art show was Parks and Rec themed! I’m jealous I missed it.



Looking Back at July

I got my hair balayaged/highlighted for the first time, no more virgin hair, as the hairstylist would say! I was very antsy about getting it colored because as much as I like bold and bright balayage, I don’t think it would work for my hair. I got it subtle and sun-kissed and was very pleased. My hairdresser married some guy from the UK, Birmingham, to be exact and was telling me about the show Peaky Blinders starring Cillian Murphy.

I don’t really think Cillian Murphy’s all that attractive, but I started watching the show on netflix and he’s started to grow on me, and he has been a slight obsession of mine! He plays a haunted anti-hero who came back from WWI as a hero who’s the leader of a gang called the Peaky Blinders who wear hats with razors sewn at the back. HOW COOL IS THAT. I love haunted individuals and anti-heroes, characters who live more in the grey that in the black and white, who do bad things as well as good things. It makes them more relatable.

He also makes drinking and smoking look good. I probably shouldn’t be advocating those things, but I just wanted to praise that part of the cinematography. He channels the good boy and bad boy and is fiercely protective of his family. Who wouldn’t want a guy like that!? It can be a little political and I don’t really pay that much attention to the plot, but he just plays his character well. And the soundtrack is great! Nick Caves, White Stripes, etc.

Did you know that Cillian Murphy tried out to be Batman (Christopher Nolan’s universe) but lost out to Christian Bale? He was not as big and bulky as Bale was, but Nolan liked him a lot so stuck him in as the Scarecrow and in his other movies.

Another reason why I like Peaky Blinders is all dem kickass, feisty, independent women. You go, girlz!


GIFS FOUND HERE AND HERE (Grace and Tommy is the cutest-sounding couple btw)

leave it to Tommy Shelby to be sweet and sentimental and fierce as well. 😉

aww, I know I’m a creep, but lip bite!


Riley Curry 

So the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals this year and Riley is daughter of MVP, Stephen Curry. They have such a gorgeous, beautiful, wholesome, inspiring family, and they’re so young as well. I follow Ayesha and Stephen on Instagram.

To be completely honest, I didn’t really care about the Golden State Warriors because Ice hockey is the name of my game. I understood that hockey ain’t that big in the USA, but it still makes my heart beat 1092374103987419375x faster that it normally does. Anyways, I didn’t really care about the Warriors until I was surfing through Buzzfeed and clicked on a video of Riley Curry at a press conference. It was love at first sight.

the end. I don’t think anyone can get any more darling than that. Except maybe Riley’s new baby sister, Ryan! Congrats to that adorable family.

dear lord, i love her.


Cutest Real Couple award



Mad Max  It’s maintained its 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s an action flick, like 1000000% action, it stars Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron who rocks her look, it features strong, and badass women, there’s chase scenes, explosions, it’s quite comic, no one really gets hurt, except the bad guy, but who cares about him. It’s the same director as the original Mad Max, (how fun is that?) That silver spray is pretty cool too, and Nicholas Hoult!! It’s great on the big screen and I wish I saw it in 3D. I still might before it goes to DVD. It’s an overall FUN (I’m not sure if I’d consider it fun AND lighthearted, though) movie. And that flaming guitar hero. I don’t really know what more I can say, except the movie ain’t about Max (who’s Max??) but it’s about Imperator Furiousaaaa!


The only person I know who has not liked it much was my dad =.=


Gran Hotel also known as the Spanish Downton Abbey.

I found this hidden gem on Netflix! It is in Spanish and set in Spain, so their Spanish is a little bit different than Central and Southern American Spanish. It’s 60 episodes long and I was downright obsessed to say the least. It features a handsome man named Julio played by <strong>Yon Gonzalez </strong>who is visiting the hotel her sister works at. But she is missing and he is convinced someone has killed her and poses as a waiter to gather clues and investigate suspicious activity. It is there that he meets the love of his life, the daughter of the hotel owner, the newly engaged Alicia (ali-th-ia in Spain Spanish) played by the beautiful <strong>Amaia Salamanca, </strong>also a gorgeous name.

<b>Words cannot describe how much I love this couple and story. </b>It’s a long series, and each series focuses on something different– murder of Julio’s sister, the murder of the hotel owner, the kidnapping of Alicia, etc.  <strong>The bad guys are so irritating and the women are so000o suspicious. </strong>For a while there’s a lot of characters you can’t trust, and in the end, the character I hated the most became someone I tolerated and maybe even respected!

It also has beautiful music. I think there’s only one music piece which is the theme that plays a zillion times, but you won’t get sick of it. This is a must-see! Julio and Alicia have perfect chemistry, Alicia definitely wears the pants, although her dresses are to die for. She’s always saving Julio’s butt, so she’s no fragile lady 😀

so I’m not jealous at all



Destination: Iceland by Morning

Iceland is absolutely magical

International Bellhop Travel Magazine

Sunset over the  Djupivogur village - Iceland. Sunset over the Djupivogur village – Iceland.

Drifting south from the Arctic North, glaciers, icebergs, and free-flowing ice carved out a beautiful island nation over millions of years. The result: Iceland.

Though Iceland has been a maritime camp for transatlantic voyages for nearly 500 years, it has always been a midway-point, rather than a destination. Only recently has Iceland emerged as a destination to be seen by discerning travelers. From the capital city of Reykjavik to the glaciers and geysers of the island’s most geologically-active lands, we are showing you the sights and locations that make Iceland the modern-age’s most sought after vacation stop.

Iceberg Iceland Growler Iceberg Iceland Growler

While there are many non-stop flights into the capital city of Reykjavik, disembarking into Iceland by ship offers a much more beautiful — and fitting — entry into the nation of ice. Cruise ships use  the various southern ports as a stop-off in…

View original post 195 more words



Most of my weekends are really not worth talking about because they consist of laying in bed and netflixing and eating amazing Snyder’s Honey Mustard Pretzel Pieces and whatever else I can scavenge in my pantry but I’m proud to say I broke my lazy habit and actually did cool stuff the past weekend!

It was a rare beautiful weekend in San Francisco and I decided to check out the Botanical Gardens. I’ve been there once and to be honest there’s really nothing special about it. It’s big and spread out and I have to walk a lot which I don’t really like to do because I’m lazy, I get lost in there (mainly because I refuse to look at a map because there’s something nice about just wandering.) But this time around, it’s the 75th Anniversary and they wanted to do something special, so they decided to put twelve pianos in the gardens for anyone passing through to play.

I decided I wanted to try and be artsy so I went to take some pictures. I wanted to take pictures of a piano by itself, with no player, but I should’ve known better. It was a nice day, the Botanical Gardens is in Golden Gate Park, and EVERYONE wanted to go to take pictures of the piano by itself (I eavesdropped so I knew my idea wasn’t unique). I walked through the park and the pianists were really good, but I was kinda bored and wanted to find the bamboo forest because I’m Asian and I like bamboo.

But I kind of got lost and then I heard a voice calling to me!! It wasn’t my name, but it was the Phantom. From the Phantom of the Opera, haha. I was marching through a meadow and….”The Phantoooooom of the Opera is theeeere, inside your miiiind…” boomed out of nowhere and I scurried through as his voice drew me in.

Don’t they make a lovely group?

That group only played songs from musicals, but suddenly I saw a bunch of people crowding around enjoying their voices. It was such a great idea to stick a piano in the middle of nowhere! Others were smiling big and snapping quick vids and photos. I stayed listening and maintained my distance, not wanting to intrude on their performance.

I also thoroughly enjoyed this group as well!



The next morning I trekked a little over an hour to a glassblowing studio in Hunter’s Point/Bayview. For those who are unfamiliar with the hour, it’s one of the bad neighborhoods in SF (like the Tenderloin). But I was very pleasantly surprised with where the studio was. It seems like Hunter’s Point is getting hip! Of course it depends on what side of the tracks you live on, I hear.

It was a class of five, two couples and me. So I would be third-wheeling either way. There were two instructors so we got plenty of individual attention. Those that know me know I need a lot of guidance and attention, especially how I get carried away and do my own thing…. which has its own place and time….

I was happy that it was a little less intimidating than I thought it would be. I saw the “hot lava” and all these tools and goggles and was a little nervous, but there was no need. It was one of most fun classes I have ever taken, mainly because with handblown glass pieces, I think they are all beautiful (unlike my lame pottery and sketching attempts) and perfect in their own way. Despite how aware I was of my noobie, worse-person-in-the-class status, I didn’t let that bother me. If I can do it, you can do it too!

Musicians to See Part II

The last post was musicians I have seen, this post will feature and remind me of SOME (only some, this is not by all means inclusive!!!!) artists I want to see and is in no particular order.

1. Sam Smith- who doesn’t wanna see this dreamy boy? Although every time he comes near me tickets are always sold out. He’s playing at Outside Lands this year along with Mumford and Sons and James Bay who will be next on my list, but OL tickets are sold out! I’m always late to buying things and I don’t wanna pay $200-$300 for a day ticket.

Anyways, Sam Smith is king. Everyone knows who he is I hope and he’s so fun to singalong too. You know how some artists you have to be “in the mood” for? Well I’m always in the mood for him.

2. James Bay- I heard this UK heartthrob on the radio and he reminds me of James Vincent Mcmorrow, also from the UK (sensing a pattern?). He’s catchy and I know like five of his songs by heart. He went to SF a couple of months before I knew who he was. Here I am, late again.

dem damn deep dimples tho

3. Mumford and Sons- also from the UK! I’m not sure if I really liked their old stuff, but their new stuff, like “Believe” and “Snake Eyes” and “The Wolf” are spectacular. I wish all their stuff sounded like that. But based on those songs I wanna see them live.

4. Imagine Dragons- I’m loving their new album. It sounds different from their last album, but I love it. I can still recognize the voice, but it’s a different style this time. “Shots” sounds way different than “Demons.” I’m not sure if people my age in the US like them or not, but Australians do! I met a bunch of Aussies over the winter and they love them, so I felt at home with them because I love them too. They old and new stuff is solid!

5. Empire of the Sun- I haven’t really kept up with them, but I dig their music and their costumes. Because that headdress is cool and they’re catchy. They’ll be in Berkeley in September!

it’s like a halloween themed concert!

6. Daft Punk- I don’t even know if they perform anymore. When was their last tour? 😦 Because everyone knows who they are, here’s a hip hop dance video that features all Daft Funk music. If this doesn’t make you wanna dance, I don’t know what will. Asians, yaaaas. I was so lucky to watch this performance in the third row 😉 I also have a thing for helmets.

7. Lindsey Stirling- Violin meets dancing meets electronic music. They’ll be in Berkeley in August!

8. Fitz and the Tantrums- they are so fun and I just wanna snap to them. They also played in OL2012, but I didn’t really know about them until later because I’m late to everything great…

Musicians to See Part I

Over the past couple of years I’ve been blessed to see several people in concert. Here are my favorites in no particular order:

1. Geographer- I don’t know which genre they are, but they’re a fun band. They are a local band which is great because their tickets are cheaper than others.

A couple of weeks ago I went to their free concert in the Mission. It was a beautiful and warm night. It was the during the same week as the LQBTQ Film Festival so the Mission and the Castro were buzzing. The doors opened at 7 so I began waiting at 6:45. The doors didn’t actually open until 7:30 and Geographer didn’t take the stage until 9:45. I was soon bummed especially because I tried to be all fancy and neglected to weak proper footwear. It was a disappointment until they came on and played their old music! Then they played their new music and I left early (mainly in pain. I don’t even know why. I wasn’t even wearing heels.)

But they’re one of my favorite people to see because their music is unique and I think they’re the first people I saw in concert. So the fact that they’re first makes me partial to them.

I was by myself the two times I saw him/them.

2. Wolfgang Gartner- saw this DJ twice! I saw him first at Outside Lands 2012 right before seeing Skrillex and I think I liked Wolfgang better. He was new to me, and I guess he’s still relatively new because no one I know really knows who he is. He was the only person I danced to during OL2012 which is saying a lot because I saw quite a few people. I saw him at OL2012 by myself and with a friend at the Warfield a year later.

3. Run River North: a friend recommended them to me and there was a time when I loved every song of their album. I think they’re from LA and are relatively unknown. Seeing them in Oakland was fun because I went with a big group of friends and friends of friends. And I had an umami burger. What made it better was my perfect choice in shoes! I don’t remember what I wore, but I proudly remember that my feet didn’t ache at all! And I saw them for $12 😀 And you can expect crisp vocals.

4. James Vincent Mcmorrow: My darling boy! His tickets are getting pricy though. He’s from the UK and he must love SF because he’s come loads of times in the past couple of years. I’m not really sure what to say about him, but hopefully you’ve hears of him! People may complain he’s whiney and doesn’t have much *variety,* but I think he just has a specific style that he doesn’t stray away from.

I went to see him with a friend and he’s not the most “fun” performer; he doesn’t run around the stage or dance around, he just stays put, but he’s one of the best out there. His voice gives me da chilllllllz

5. The Family Crest- another local SF band, represent!! I saw them for $12 😀 There’s just something about the lead singer’s voice that I can’t put my finger on, maybe it’s the way he speaks or how his teeth are placed? underbite/overbite? Or maybe I’m just hearing things. But what I’m hearing is great. It’s kind of like a mini orchestra because the band has six instruments and they’re fun! I was in the front when I saw them and they have so much energy and they really put their body in it. I like getting all up in their face because I get to see their emotions and sweat. I saw them by myself but I didn’t mind at all.

6. Of Monsters and Men: They are solid performers from Iceland. You don’t have to worry about them not sounding good live. I saw them at OL2012 as well and it was just a great experience to be in a crowd that loves them and to just know every song and singalong. I went by myself but it didn’t take away from my experience. You should know who they are, but if you don’t… I love their Icelandic accent and I may see them in Berkeley in October!

7. Magic Man- I saw this with some friends and friends of friends at the Independent and it was a good performance. It was a sold-out event but the venue was small and intimate. The lead singer looks like the guy in All-American Rejects and I really like two of their songs. I LOVE HOW HE’S SO SQUIRMY AND HOLDS THE MIKE SO CLOSE TO HIS MOUTH LIVE